Polyester Braided Non-Absorbable Surgical Sutures AM-(PB)

  • Polyester suture is a coated and braided non-absorbable surgical suture. Polyester sutures are available with silicone or PTFE coating (on demand only).
  • Polyester sutures are available from U.S.P. size 5 to size 6-0. Sutures are available in green, white and black colours.
  • Polyester sutures are composed of polyester which is a category of polymers which contain the ester functional group in their main chain.
  • Polyester sutures are used for permanent, removable fixtures, cardiovascular surgery.


Polyester sutures have excellent tensile strength, soft and pliable with excellent braiding and are an excellent choice for cardiovascular and ophthalmic surgery. Polyester sutures are not subject to degradation and retain tensile strength indefinitely in vivo.

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