Shoulder Joint Cavity Injection Model AM-L70

1. Standard anatomical structure, scapula, clavicle, humerus, deltoid, biceps muscle of arm and important ligament of shoulder joint, train palpation technology of shoulder puncture positioning;
2. Standard position study for puncture and injection;
3. Six different parts for puncture and injection
1) Cavity of shoulder joint (anterior aspect)
2) Cavity of shoulder joint (rear aspect)
3) Subacromial bursitis
4) Acromioclavicular joint
5) Mecistocephalic tendinous sheath of biceps muscle of arm
6) Suprascapular nerve block
4. Intelligent evaluation system: the green light on the control box will indicate correct puncture site


Our Shoulder Joint Cavity Injection Model AM-L70  features Standard anatomical structure, scapula, clavicle, humerus, deltoid, biceps muscle of arm and important ligament of shoulder joint, train palpation technology of shoulder puncture positioning, Standard position study for puncture and injection.

The Shoulder Joint Cavity Injection Model AM-L70  consists of the Six different parts for puncture and injection and also the  Intelligent evaluation system: the green light on the control box will indicate correct puncture site.

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